How to Use Windows Copilot to Turn on Dark Mode, DND, Manage Bluetooth Devices, And More

What to know

  • Windows 11 Copilot can switch between light and dark modes, turn on DND and Bluetooth, and even open the Bluetooth devices page to manage them.
  • Make sure you’re on Windows Insider Dev build to enable Copilot. Download ViVetool, extract its contents, and enable Copilot via the command prompt. 
  • Copilot has a few other tricks up its sleeve. But the coming weeks and months should see a greater overhaul as it is released to the wider public.

Anyone wanting an early look at the future of AI on Windows need not look any further than the Copilot preview. Available with very few features, and seemingly nothing more than a Bing AI taskbar on the side, Copilot is certainly a push in the right direction. Even now, users can switch between light and dark color themes, toggle DND and Bluetooth on and off, and jump straight to the Bluetooth devices Settings page to manage connections – all with Copilot. Here’s how you can get Windows 11 Copilot and do all that. 

How to enable Copilot on Windows 11

To start using Copilot on Windows 11, you need to be on the Windows Insider Dev build. Thereafter, you need to download the following tool:

ViVetool | Github link

Once downloaded, extract its contents.

Then copy its folder path.

Then run the command prompt (with admin privileges).

Change the directory by commanding:

cd "paste folder path here"

Make sure to paste the copied folder path above. Then type the following and hit Enter: vivetool  /enable /id:44774629,44776738,44850061,42105254,41655236

Once these are enabled, restart your system. Then right-click on the taskbar for Taskbar settings.

Toggle on Copilot (preview). 

You will now have Copilot on Windows. Click on the icon or press the Win+C shortcut to open it.

It will slide up on the right.

Now that you have Copilot, you can use it for the following purposes, and more.

How to switch between Light and Dark modes with Windows 11 Copilot

To turn on Dark mode, simply type Turn on dark mode in Copilot’s prompt box and send it across.

Copilot will suggest the action in an action bubble. Select Yes.

The dark mode should be applied instantly. 

Note that the dark mode is different from dark themes. Themes contain multiple elements, such as background, mode, accent colors, etc. Dark mode, on the other hand only changes the color to black in Windows and apps. Your background and accent colors will remain as they were.

To switch modes, or turn on the Light mode, prompt Copilot to Turn on light mode

And as before, click on Yes.

This will change the color mode to Light. 

How to turn ‘Do Not Disturb’ on and off with Windows 11 Copilot

Another setting that you can turn on/off right from Copilot is Do Not Disturb (DND). To do so, simply type Turn on DND and hit Enter.

When the action bubble comes up, select Yes.

Once on, Copilot will relay the message. You can also see the DND icon appear in the taskbar.

Conversely, turn it off by prompting Turn off DND and hit Enter.

And Copilot will abide.

How to turn Bluetooth on and off with Windows 11 Copilot 

Turning Bluetooth on and off is another one of Copilot’s little features. To turn it on, just as before, simply tell it to Turn on Bluetooth.

And click on Yes in the action bubble. 

Bluetooth will now turn on.

Or prompt it to Turn off Bluetooth to do so.

And select Yes to confirm.

Manage Bluetooth devices

Copilot can also open the Settings page for Bluetooth & devices for you to quickly connect or disconnect a device. To do so, prompt Copilot to Connect/disconnect Bluetooth device or to Manage windows devices.

Any one of these will lead you straight to the Bluetooth devices pages.

Unfortunately, owing to it being still under development, the feature cuts short here. Although its response claims that “you can now choose which device to add”, there is nothing that prompts it to go the last mile and actually connect or disconnect devices.

Nevertheless, it at least lets you jump to the Bluetooth device page where you can choose to connect or disconnect devices manually. One can only expect things to get better from here. 


Here are a few commonly asked questions about Windows 11 Copilot.

What can the Copilot AI do on Windows 11?

For now, Windows 11 Copilot can toggle dark mode, DND, and Bluetooth, summarize active Edge web pages, and even give Spotify playlist recommendations. Copilot can also take your clipboard text and explain, revise, and expand it.  

Is Microsoft Copilot free?

Recently, Microsoft announced that Copilot will cost $30 dollars per month and will be no different from a Microsoft 365 premium subscription. On Windows, however, Copilot may be free.

Windows 11 Copilot is gearing up to be one of the biggest features on Windows. Surely, in later phases, we’re bound to see many more options and features, not unlike a ChatGPT on your desktop setup. Until that time, make sure to stay apprised of all such developments on Copilot. Until next time!

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